Replacement Hoop Adjusting Screws and Parts

Allied Grid-Lock 19mm, 23mm & 27mm brass hex-head embroidery hoop adjusting screws are compatible with some other brands of hoops - Tajima, Toyota, etc.

To help you save money and maximize the life of your hoops, Allied offers replacement embroidery hoop adjusting screws and parts - threaded bar... .
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Allied hoops come in many versions: AGL/AGLC, PAGL, AWH, etc. Please review all hoops & parts for best selection before placing your order.

Allied Grid-Lock Hoops (AGL & AGLC)

Always use Allied Grid-Lock (AGL/AGLC) hoop adjusting screws and parts. Keep original Allied spares on hand to avoid production delays! &bull...

Premium Allied Grid-Lock Hoops (PAGL)

Always use Premium Allied Grid-Lock (PAGL) hoop adjusting screws and parts. Keep original Allied spares on hand to avoid production delays! &...

Allied Wooden Hoops (AWH)

Always use Allied Wooden Hoop (AWH) hoop adjusting screws and parts. Keep original Allied spares on hand to avoid production delays! • A...

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